Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ebay Rants

Being Nigerian I can't help feeling upset each time I see the phrase 'No Nigerians please' on eBay listings. I have had an account for more than 2 years now and such statements prompted me to switch my email address on it to include 'Nigeria'. I wonder how many of the people who quote such have ever really had any negative experience of Nigerians and how many just put it there because it's the trend. Even sorrier are the listings for mundane cheap things (less than 10 pounds) with this statement. Is it really that bad?
I have had over 200 transactions on Ebay and I am yet to get anyone ask about the Nigeria in my email address even though it shows up for transactions in various stages of competition. This only makes me wonder if it is a trend thing.
Just my first rant... give me time, I'm just beginning.